Criminal Defense
Expert representation fighting aggressively for your rights
criminal defense lawyer serving covington, ga and surrounding areas
criminal defense lawyer covington
When you’re facing criminal charges, you need an attorney with extensive knowledge of the law and the legal system. Teri L. Doepke has been defending the communities of Newton, Walton, and Rockdale Counties in the criminal justice system for over twenty years. She has tried every variety of jury trial from traffic violations to numerous murder cases, and she is committed to protecting your rights and reputation.

Practice Areas
Violent Crimes
Violent crimes are almost always aggressively prosecuted by the State. Convictions tend to carry extensive prison sentences, up to and including Life Without Parole. If you have been charged with or are under investigation for a violent crime, it is imperative that you hire an attorney who is well versed in defending your case. Teri L. Doepke has extensive expertise challenging and defending violent crimes, including having won acquittals and mistrials in murder cases.
Contact the Doepke Law Firm, LLC if you have been charged with any violent crime, including the following:
Aggravated Assault
Aggravated Battery
Armed Robbery
Home Invasion
Motor Vehicle Hijacking
Terroristic Threats or Acts
Domestic Violence Charges
Child Abuse or Cruelty to Children
Hate Crimes
Gang Activity
Sex Crimes
If you have been charged with or under investigation for any allegation of sexual misconduct, you need to hire an attorney who specializes and is experienced in representing these cases. If convicted, many of these crimes carry mandatory minimum prison sentences up to and including life in prison, as well as requiring registration as a sex offender. Teri L. Doepke is an expert in representing clients charged with allegations of sexual misconduct, including over 50 jury trials in this area alone.
Teri L. Doepke has the training and experience to aggressively protect your rights and liberty in the following types of cases:
Child Pornography
Child Molestation
Sexual Battery
Indecent Exposure
Internet Sex Crimes
Rape and Statutory Rape
Aggravated Child Molestation
Solicitation of a Minor
Sex Offender Registry Violations
Modifications and Removals from the Sex Offender Registry
Drug Charges
If you have been charged with a drug related crime, you need an attorney who can aggressively challenge the investigation, search, and seizure of any alleged contraband. Laws and rules regarding how and when law enforcement can conduct searches of homes, vehicles, and your person are continuously changing. If current rules and protocols were violated, your case may be able to be successfully dismissed. The Doepke Law Firm, LLC regularly represents clients with drug charges and we stay well versed on current laws and regulations to help protect your rights.
Drug charges we represent include:
Possession with Intent
Manufacturing and Cultivation
Prescription Drugs
Drug Related Objects
Property Crimes
The Doepke Law Firm, LLC regularly represents clients charged with non-violent offenses involving personal property. These offenses can be categorized as either felonies or misdemeanors, but both categories may involve incarceration, probation, and extensive restitution if convicted. The Doepke Law Firm, LLC will use its extensive experience and knowledge of these crimes to represent your rights aggressively.
Examples of property crimes include:
Criminal Damage to Property
Criminal Trespass
Theft & Fraud Crimes
Theft and fraud crimes can be either felony or misdemeanor, and if convicted can involve incarceration, probation, and extensive restitution.
The Doepke Law Firm, LLC regularly defends clients against all theft and fraud related charges, including the following:
Theft (by taking, conversion, receiving, or shoplifting)
Motor Vehicle Theft
Credit Card Fraud
Prescription Drug Fraud
Traffic Violations
When you receive charges relating to your driving, you may face jail time, probation, and the loss of your ability to drive. You need an attorney who understands the local courts, the rules of the Department of Driver Services, and how best to protect your driving record and license. If you are under the age of 21, you have to be even more careful to protect your driving privilege. A knowledgeable attorney can help you get the best outcome possible by investigating options such as a reduction of your charges, a no points order, or a speed reduction.
In addition to representing DUI offenses, the Doepke Law Firm, LLC provides expert and aggressive representation of all traffic offenses in Superior Court, Probate Court, or Municipal Court, including the following:
Homicide by Vehicle
Serious Injury by Vehicle
Habitual Offender
Reckless Driving
Laying Drag
Speeding or Super Speeder
Driving on Suspended License or without a License
Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign
If you have already been convicted of a crime, you may still have the right to appeal your conviction to a higher court for a review of the proceedings and allegations against you. Teri L. Doepke is admitted to the Georgia Supreme Court and the Georgia Court of Appeals. She has nearly twenty years of experience before these courts, including legal research, brief writing, and oral arguments, and she regularly represents clients in motions for new trial and direct appeals.
Violent crimes are almost always aggressively prosecuted by the State. Convictions tend to carry extensive prison sentences, up to and including Life Without Parole. If you have been charged with or are under investigation for a violent crime, it is imperative that you hire an attorney who is well versed in defending your case. Teri L. Doepke has extensive expertise challenging and defending violent crimes, including having won acquittals and mistrials in murder cases.
Contact the Doepke Law Firm, LLC if you have been charged with any violent crime, including the following:
Aggravated Assault
Aggravated Battery
Armed Robbery or Robbery
Home Invasion
Motor Vehicle Hijacking
Terroristic Threats or Acts
Domestic Violence Charges
Child Abuse or Cruelty to Children
Hate Crimes
Gang Activity
If you have been charged with or under investigation for any allegation of sexual misconduct, you need to hire an attorney who specializes and is experienced in representing these cases. If convicted, many of these crimes carry mandatory minimum prison sentences up to and including life in prison, as well as requiring registration as a sex offender. Teri L. Doepke is an expert is in representing clients charged with allegations of sexual misconduct, including over 50 jury trials in this area alone.
Teri L. Doepke has the training and experience to aggressively protect your rights and liberty, in the following types of cases:
Rape and Statutory Rape
Child Molestation
Aggravated Child Molestation
Sexual Battery
Aggravated Sexual Battery
Internet Sex Crimes
Child Pornography
Solicitation of a Minor
Indecent Exposure
Sex Offender Registry Violations
If you have been charged with a drug related crime, you need an attorney who can aggressively challenge the investigation, search, and seizure of any alleged contraband. Laws and rules regarding how and when law enforcement can conduct searches of homes, vehicles, and your person are continuously changing. If current rules and protocols were violated, your case may be able to be successfully dismissed. The Doepke Law Firm, LLC regularly represents drug charge clients and we stay well versed on current laws and regulations to help protect your rights.
Drug charges we represent include:
Possession with Intent
Manufacturing and Cultivation
Prescription Drugs
Drug Related Objects
The Doepke Law Firm, LLC regularly represents clients charged with non-violent offenses involving personal property. These offenses can be categorized as either felonies or misdemeanors, but both categories may involve incarceration, probation, and extensive restitution if convicted. The Doepke Law Firm, LLC will use its extensive experience and knowledge of these crimes to represent your rights aggressively.
Examples of property crimes include:
Criminal Damage to Property
Criminal Trespass
Theft (by Taking, Conversion, Receiving, or Shoplifting)
Motor Vehicle Theft
Credit Card Fraud
Prescription Drug Fraud
Homicide by Vehicle
Serious injury by Vehicle
Habitual Offender
Reckless Driving
Driving on Suspended License or without a License
Speeding or Super Speeder
Laying Drag
Failure to Stop at a Stop Sign
If you have already been convicted of a crime, you may still have the right to appeal your conviction to a higher court for a review of the proceedings and allegations against you. Teri L. Doepke is admitted to the Georgia Supreme Court and the Georgia Court of Appeals. She has nearly twenty years of experience before these courts, including legal research, brief writing, and oral arguments, and she regularly represents clients in motions for new trial and direct appeals.
Case Dismissed
Aggravated Battery in Walton County
Our client was facing up to 20 years in prison for a fight she was present at where a family member was…
Case Dismissed
Two separate felony fraud cases in Newton County
This client was charged in two unrelated cases with two counts of deposit account fraud in one case…
Two separate family violence cases joined together for trial
Our client was charged in two incidents of family violence. These cases were joined for trial and tried…
Trafficking in Methamphetamine charge in Rockdale County
Our client was charged with trafficking methamphetamine and was in jail without bond…
Case Dismissed
Armed Robbery in Newton County carrying possible life sentence
Our client was charged with armed robbery, two counts of aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm…
Case Dismissed
Armed Robbery and Kidnapping in Newton County
Our client was charged with armed robbery, kidnapping, aggravated assault, and possession of a firearm…